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Message Appearing every time opening P6.0


الردود الموصى بها

Dear Sir,

Forgive me for writing in English, I have a problem with my PC for Arabic writing,

The problem is that every time I start Primavera P6.0, this message appears “The database has not been configured to run background jobs. To correct this problem please contact your system administrator or see the primavera administrator guide” – Snap Shot from the message attached, there is no problem happening even this message appears every time I run the program, but I’m afraid a problem will happen and wipe up the data.

Thanks for your concern.


رابط هذا التعليق

Since Microsoftdoes not supply a process scheduler with SQL Server Express 2005,Primavera has created an agent that runs P6 background processes on SQLServer Express 2005. This Windows service, Primavera Background Agent(Service Name: Primavera Background Agent), is automatically installed when the standalone installation of P6 is used along with SQL Server Express 2005.
Note: The Primavera Background Agent service is installed automatically by the P6 standalone installation and generally does not need to be manually installed
You may need to install the service if:
1. You have installed SQL Server Express (2005) after installing the standalone version of P6.
2. You have installed SQL Server Express (2005) on a server that doesn't have P6 installed on it.


الموضوع قد يكون سببه تضارب فى تحميل ال SQL Server Express الذي يتم تحميله من النسخ التي تعمل على جهاز واحد من بريمافيرا ، مع تحميلات سابقة او مع نسخة SQL SERVER كاملة محملة أو سبق تحميلها على الجهاز

اذا الحل هو فى اعادة تحميل ال servide و الشرح موضح فى الوصلة أعلاه
و ربما يكون فى عمل uninstall للبريمافيرا و كل ما يخص ال SQL حل
و الأضمن ان استطعت الفرمتة و التحميل من جديد
رابط هذا التعليق

it's true I installed the program after formatting the PC , but I installed P5.0 in the beginning then Later I installed the P6.0 , of course the SQL server was automatically upgraded to SQL 2005 while the installation, and the problem that I have so many projects, It will take a lot of time to back it up,,

In general, would it make a problem if I didn’t maintain this problem and the message appears each time I run the program, or should I fix it?

Thank You Again

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