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عضو جديد 01
  • Posts

  • تاريخ الانضمام

  • تاريخ اخر زياره

كل منشورات العضو training2009

  1. جزاك الله خيرا على الجهد الكبير الذي تقدمه فى أكثر من قسم مع الشكر و التقدير
  2. فى انتظار الحلقات القادمة باذن الله بتغير هذا الواقع الى كل خير بمشاركة الجميع
  3. it seams that you have exchang server at work your IT team should do one of 2 thighs to give you access: enable the exchange web interface enable pop3 otherwise you can not use it at home
  4. i expect the problem to be in the Hardware speed specially the network switches or there may be a virus in the network
  5. your just follow the instructions of the installer the proplems arrise if u have SQL server installer on your PC
  6. open outlooK from file menue choose open data file and u shall know the locaiton another option is start All program Ms Office Ms office Tools Microsoft Office Save my setting wizard
  • اضف...

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