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عضو جديد 01
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كل منشورات العضو loosh

  1. هذي احد المحاولات import java.util.Scanner; public class tt { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner keyboard=new Scanner(System.in); System.out.println("==========================="); System.out.println("[ JUC GRADING SYSTEM ]"); System.out.println("=====Program By:Sarah ====="); System.out.println(" Enter the exame marks: "); int marks,total=0,min=0,max=0,A,B,C,D,F,sum;double av; marks=keyboard.nextInt(); while((marks>=0)&&(marks<=100)) { total++; sum+=marks; if(marks>=90)A++; else if(marks>=80)B++; else if(marks>=70)C++; else if(marks>=60)D++; else F++; if (marks>max) max=marks; if(marks<min) min=marks; System.out.print(" " ); marks=keyboard.nextInt(); } if(total>0) av=sum/total; System.out.println("the total number of grades="+total); System.out.println("number of A's ="+A); System.out.println("number of B's ="+B); System.out.println("number of C's ="+C); System.out.println("number of D's ="+D); System.out.println("number of F's ="+F); System.out.println("The maximum mark ="+max); System.out.println("The minmum mark ="+min); System.out.println("The average ="+av); } }
  2. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم انا مبتدأه في لغة الجافا وعندي سؤال استصعب علي ممكن يكون سهل على غيري,,,,ويمكن والله ثلاثةايام وانا احاول فيه بس للأسف كل مره يطلع لي اخطاء.... :') وهل له اكثر من طريقه للحل لذلك ارجو من ذوي الخبره مساعدتي فيه مشكورين...... :fff: وهذا هو السؤال..... write a java program to read a list of exam marks (integer percentage in the range o to 100) and to output the total number of grade and the number of grade in each letter-grade categories as shown below Grade Exam marks A 90-100 B 80-89 C 70-79 D 60-69 F 0-50 to end the output the user need to enter negative mark.Do not use the negatave score in the calculation ____________________________ out put =========================== [ JUC GRADING SYSTEM ] ====program by:your name==== Enter the exam marks: 98 87 86 85 78 73 72 72 72 70 66 63 50 -1>>>end input the total number of grade= 14 number of A's=1 number of B's=4 number of C's=6 number of D's=2 number of F's=1 the lowest score=50 the highest score=98 Average score=75.5
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