اذهب الي المحتوي

كود داوئر

إذهب إلى أفضل إجابة Solved by محمد هشام.,

الردود الموصى بها

سلام عليكم الاكسل ده فيه شيت وفيه كود لعمل داوئر صفراء على اى كلمة اصفر داخل الخلايا , محتاج اخلى خلفية الدوائر اصفر بردو



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  • أفضل إجابة

تفضل اخي 

Function circle1(dr As Range)
Dim OvName As String
  OvName = "oval" + dr.AddressLocal
  MrH = 0.3 * dr.Height
 MrW = 0.2 * dr.Width
 OvalW = dr.Width - MrW
 OvalH = dr.Height - MrH
 Set shShape = dr.Worksheet.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeOval, dr.Left + MrW / 2, dr.Top + MrH / 2, OvalW, OvalH)
 With shShape
 .Name = OvName
 .Fill.Visible = msoTrue
 .Line.Weight = False
 .Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 0)
 End With
End Function


دوائر v2.xls

  • Like 2
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شكرا اخي الكريم ربنا يزيدك

بس لو امكن حدود الدائرة الصفراء تبقى صفر وحدود الدائرة الحمراء تبقى حمرا وحدود الدائرة الخضراء خضرا

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Function circle5(dr As Range)
Dim OvName As String
  OvName = "ty" + dr.AddressLocal
  MrH = 0.3 * dr.Height
 MrW = 0.2 * dr.Width
 OvalW = dr.Width - MrW
 OvalH = dr.Height - MrH
 Set shShape = dr.Worksheet.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeOval, dr.Left + MrW / 2, dr.Top + MrH / 2, OvalW, OvalH)
 With shShape
 .Name = OvName
 .Fill.Visible = msoTrue
 .Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(0, 102, 204)
.Fill.Transparency = 0
    End With
End Function
Function circle2(dr As Range)
Dim OvName As String
  OvName = "mh" + dr.AddressLocal
  MrH = 0.3 * dr.Height
 MrW = 0.2 * dr.Width
 OvalW = dr.Width - MrW
 OvalH = dr.Height - MrH
 Set shShape = dr.Worksheet.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeOval, dr.Left + MrW / 2, dr.Top + MrH / 2, OvalW, OvalH)
 With shShape
 .Name = OvName
 .Fill.Visible = msoTrue
 .Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 0, 0)
.Fill.Transparency = 0
    End With
End Function
Function circle1(dr As Range)
Dim OvName As String
OvName = "st" + dr.AddressLocal
MrH = 0.3 * dr.Height
MrW = 0.2 * dr.Width
OvalW = dr.Width - MrW
OvalH = dr.Height - MrH
Set shShape = dr.Worksheet.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeOval, dr.Left + MrW / 2, dr.Top + MrH / 2, OvalW, OvalH)
With shShape
 .Name = OvName
 .Fill.Visible = msoTrue
 .Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 0)
.Fill.Transparency = 0
    End With
End Function
Function circle3(dr As Range)
Dim OvName As String
  OvName = "shp" + dr.AddressLocal
  MrH = 0.3 * dr.Height
 MrW = 0.2 * dr.Width
 OvalW = dr.Width - MrW
 OvalH = dr.Height - MrH
 Set shShape = dr.Worksheet.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeOval, dr.Left + MrW / 2, dr.Top + MrH / 2, OvalW, OvalH)
 With shShape
 .Name = OvName
 .Fill.Visible = msoTrue
 .Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(0, 176, 80)
.Fill.Transparency = 0
    End With
End Function
Sub Select_Shape()
Call رسم_4_الدوائر
Call رسم_5_الدوائر
Call رسم_6_الدوائر
Call رسم_7_الدوائر
 End Sub

Sub رسم_4_الدوائر()

Dim r As Integer
' لغة عربية
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For r = 5 To 123
If Cells(r, "c") = "ازرق" Then
circle5 Cells(r, "c")
End If
Next r
 r = 0
 ' يات
 For r = 5 To 123
If Cells(r, "d") = "ازرق" Then
circle5 Cells(r, "d")
End If
Next r
 r = 0
  ' لغة انجلة
 For r = 5 To 123
If Cells(r, "e") = "ازرق" Then
circle5 Cells(r, "e")
End If
Next r
 r = 0
  ' ن
 For r = 5 To 123
If Cells(r, "f") = "ازرق" Then
circle5 Cells(r, "f")
End If
Next r
 r = 0
   ' ين
 For r = 5 To 123
If Cells(r, "g") = "ازرق" Then
circle5 Cells(r, "g")
End If
Next r
 r = 0
  For r = 5 To 123
If Cells(r, "h") = "ازرق" Then
circle5 Cells(r, "h")
End If
Next r
 r = 0
 ' ديقن
 For r = 5 To 123
If Cells(r, "i") = "ازرق" Then
circle5 Cells(r, "i")
End If
Next r
 r = 0
Dim shp As Shape
For Each shp In Worksheets("رصد").Shapes
    If shp.Name Like "ty*" Then
        With Selection.ShapeRange.Line
.Visible = msoTrue
.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(0, 102, 204)
.Transparency = 0
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End With
    End If
Next shp
End Sub
Sub رسم_5_الدوائر()

Dim r As Integer
' لغة عربية
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For r = 5 To 123
If Cells(r, "c") = "اصفر" Then
 circle1 Cells(r, "c")

End If
Next r
 r = 0
 ' يات
 For r = 5 To 123
If Cells(r, "d") = "اصفر" Then
circle1 Cells(r, "d")
End If
Next r
 r = 0
  ' لغة انجلة
 For r = 5 To 123
If Cells(r, "e") = "اصفر" Then
circle1 Cells(r, "e")
End If
Next r
 r = 0
  ' ن
 For r = 5 To 123
If Cells(r, "f") = "اصفر" Then
circle1 Cells(r, "f")
End If
Next r
 r = 0
   ' ين
 For r = 5 To 123
If Cells(r, "g") = "اصفر" Then
circle1 Cells(r, "g")
End If
Next r

 r = 0
   ' عين
 For r = 5 To 123
If Cells(r, "h") = "اصفر" Then
circle1 Cells(r, "h")
End If
Next r
 r = 0
 ' ديقن
 For r = 5 To 123
If Cells(r, "i") = "اصفر" Then
circle1 Cells(r, "i")
End If
Next r
 r = 0
Dim shp As Shape
For Each shp In Worksheets("رصد").Shapes
If shp.Name Like "st*" Then
With Selection.ShapeRange.Line
.Visible = msoTrue
.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 0)
.Transparency = 0
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End With
    End If
Next shp

  End Sub
Sub رسم_6_الدوائر()   'احمر
Dim r As Integer
' لغة عربية
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For r = 5 To 123
If Cells(r, "c") = "احمر" Then
circle2 Cells(r, "c")
End If
Next r
 r = 0
 ' يات
 For r = 5 To 123
If Cells(r, "d") = "احمر" Then
circle2 Cells(r, "d")
End If
Next r
 r = 0
  ' لغة انجلة
 For r = 5 To 123
If Cells(r, "e") = "احمر" Then
circle2 Cells(r, "e")
End If
Next r
 r = 0
  ' ن
 For r = 5 To 123
If Cells(r, "f") = "احمر" Then
circle2 Cells(r, "f")
End If
Next r
 r = 0
   ' ين
 For r = 5 To 123
If Cells(r, "g") = "احمر" Then
circle2 Cells(r, "g")
End If
Next r
 r = 0
  For r = 5 To 123
If Cells(r, "h") = "احمر" Then
circle2 Cells(r, "h")
End If
Next r
 r = 0
 ' ديقن
 For r = 5 To 123
If Cells(r, "i") = "احمر" Then
circle2 Cells(r, "i")
End If
Next r
 r = 0
Dim shp As Shape
For Each shp In Worksheets("رصد").Shapes
    If shp.Name Like "mh*" Then
        With Selection.ShapeRange.Line
.Visible = msoTrue
.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 0, 0)
.Transparency = 0
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End With
    End If
Next shp
End Sub
Sub رسم_7_الدوائر()   'اخضر
Dim r As Integer
' لغة عربية
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For r = 5 To 123
If Cells(r, "c") = "اخضر" Then
circle3 Cells(r, "c")
End If
Next r
 r = 0
 ' يات
 For r = 5 To 123
If Cells(r, "d") = "اخضر" Then
circle3 Cells(r, "d")
End If
Next r
 r = 0
  ' لغة انجلة
 For r = 5 To 123
If Cells(r, "e") = "اخضر" Then
circle3 Cells(r, "e")
End If
Next r
 r = 0
  ' ن
 For r = 5 To 123
If Cells(r, "f") = "اخضر" Then
circle3 Cells(r, "f")
End If
Next r
 r = 0
   ' ين
 For r = 5 To 123
If Cells(r, "g") = "اخضر" Then
circle3 Cells(r, "g")
End If
Next r
 r = 0
  For r = 5 To 123
If Cells(r, "h") = "اخضر" Then
circle3 Cells(r, "h")
End If
Next r
 r = 0
 ' ديقن
 For r = 5 To 123
If Cells(r, "i") = "اخضر" Then
circle3 Cells(r, "i")
End If
Next r
 r = 0
Dim shp As Shape
For Each shp In Worksheets("رصد").Shapes
    If shp.Name Like "shp*" Then
        With Selection.ShapeRange.Line
.Visible = msoTrue
.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(0, 176, 80)
.Transparency = 0
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End With
    End If
Next shp
End Sub


تم الحل شكرا خااااااااااااااااالص

تم تعديل بواسطه خالد المصـــــــــــرى
تم الحل شكرا خاااااااااالص
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