اذهب الي المحتوي

كود تصميم زر اخفاء واظهار صفوف محددة

إذهب إلى أفضل إجابة Solved by lionheart,

الردود الموصى بها

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ..

اخواني احتاج مساعدتكم في كود يظهر ويخفي لي صفوف محدده عن طريق زر Toggle انا صممته ( سحب يمين ويسار ) ولكن الكود يظهر اخطا كثيرة

Sub ToggleButto()

    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim xCells As String
    xCells = "12" 'change this to the row numbers

    Set ws = ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet
    With ws
        'TOGGLE "ON"
        If ToggleButton1.Value = True Then
            Application.ActiveSheet.Rows(xCells).Hidden = "True"
            'update textbox value
            .Shapes("txtboxOnOff").TextFrame.Characters.Text = "OFF"
            'update textbox alignment
            .Shapes("txtboxOnOff").TextFrame.HorizontalAlignment = xlHAlignRight
            'update button background color
            .Shapes("ToggleButton").Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(232, 27, 34)
            'update radio button location
            .Shapes("radioButton").Left = .Shapes("ToggleButton").Left + .Shapes("ToggleButton").Width - .Shapes("radioButton").Width - 5
            'TOGGLE "OFF"
            ToggleButton1.Value = True
            Application.ActiveSheet.Rows(xCells).Hidden = "False"
            .Shapes("txtboxOnOff").TextFrame.Characters.Text = "ON"
            .Shapes("txtboxOnOff").TextFrame.HorizontalAlignment = xlHAlignLeft
            .Shapes("ToggleButton").Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(117, 199, 1)
            .Shapes("radioButton").Left = .Shapes("ToggleButton").Left + 5
        End If
    End With

    Set ws = Nothing

End Sub

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  • أفضل إجابة

Try this code

Sub ToggleButton_ON_OFF()
    Const ONKEY As String = "On", OFFKEY As String = "Off"
    Dim ws As Worksheet, shOnOff As Shape, shToggle As Shape, shRadio As Shape, s As String
    Set ws = ActiveSheet
    With ws
        Set shOnOff = .Shapes("txtboxOnOff")
        Set shToggle = .Shapes("ToggleButton1")
        Set shRadio = .Shapes("radioButton")
    End With
    With shOnOff
        s = .TextFrame.Characters.Text
        .TextFrame.Characters.Text = IIf(s = ONKEY, OFFKEY, ONKEY)
        ws.Rows("12").Hidden = (s = OFFKEY)
        .TextFrame.HorizontalAlignment = IIf(s = ONKEY, xlHAlignLeft, xlHAlignRight)
        shToggle.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = IIf(s = ONKEY, RGB(232, 27, 34), RGB(117, 199, 1))
        shRadio.Left = shToggle.Left + IIf(s = ONKEY, shToggle.Width - shRadio.Width - 5, 5)
    End With
End Sub


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