اذهب الي المحتوي

التعديل على كود توزيع


الردود الموصى بها

السلام عليكم اساتذتي الكرام

هذا الكود من انتاج الأستاذ جعفر حفظه  الله ورعاه

 بس لما غيرت به شيء بسيط اصبح لايقوم بالتوزيع كما هو مطلوب

Private Sub UpdateEndData()
    Dim Dcode As Integer

    'since we are using the calendar, we will get the day, month, and year,
    'although we only need the month and the year, and that is what this fields Format shows, mmmm\-yyyy
    'but for easyness for the search later, we will assign the day always as 1
    If Len(Me.AwardMonth & "") <> 0 Then
        Me.AwardMonth = DateSerial(Year(Me.AwardMonth), Month(Me.AwardMonth), 1)
    End If
    Me.DiscountStartDate = DateSerial(Year(Me.DiscountStartDate), Month(Me.DiscountStartDate), 1)
    Dcode = Switch([Cridi_ID] > 0, 10)
    DiscountEndDate = DateAdd("m", Dcode, [DiscountStartDate] - 1)
    Me.DiscountEndDate = DateSerial(Year(Me.DiscountEndDate), Month(Me.DiscountEndDate) + 1, 0)
    DiscountPerMonth = (([Cridi_Value] - [Mont_Spés]) * [Qte]) / Dcode

    'add the loan Records to tbl_Loans
    Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
    Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Select * From tbl_Loans")
    'rst.MoveLast: rst.MoveFirst
    For I = 0 To Me.CmdCridi.Column(0) - 1

        rst!EmployeeID = Me.EmployeeID
        rst!Loan_ID = Me.ID
        rst!Loan_AwardMonth = Me.AwardMonth
        rst!Payment_Month = DateAdd("m", I, Me.DiscountStartDate)   'add the months, or use the next line
        'rst!Payment_Month = DateSerial(Year(Me.DiscountStartDate), Month(Me.DiscountStartDate) + I, 1)
        rst!Loan_Cridi = Me.txtDiscountPerMonth
        'rst!Payment_Made =     'to be used each time a pyment is made
        rst!Loan_Type = "Cridi"
        rst!Remarks = Me.CmdCridi.Column(1)
    Next I
    rst.Close: Set rst = Nothing

'Auto_ID, Auto_Date, EmployeeID, Loan_ID, Loan_AwardMonth, Payment_Month, Loan_Cridi, Payment_Amount, Payment_Made, Remarks
End Sub

 Beriod ولما غيرت تقسيم 10 على مربع نص به عدد وهو 

Private Sub UpdateEndData()
    Dim Dcode As Integer

    'since we are using the calendar, we will get the day, month, and year,
    'although we only need the month and the year, and that is what this fields Format shows, mmmm\-yyyy
    'but for easyness for the search later, we will assign the day always as 1
    If Len(Me.AwardMonth & "") <> 0 Then
        Me.AwardMonth = DateSerial(Year(Me.AwardMonth), Month(Me.AwardMonth), 1)
    End If
    Me.DiscountStartDate = DateSerial(Year(Me.DiscountStartDate), Month(Me.DiscountStartDate), 1)
    Dcode = Switch([Cridi_ID] > 0, [Beriod])
    DiscountEndDate = DateAdd("m", Dcode, [DiscountStartDate] - 1)
    Me.DiscountEndDate = DateSerial(Year(Me.DiscountEndDate), Month(Me.DiscountEndDate) + 1, 0)
    DiscountPerMonth = (([Cridi_Value] - [Mont_Spés]) * [Qte]) / Dcode

    'add the loan Records to tbl_Loans
    Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
    Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Select * From tbl_Loans")
    'rst.MoveLast: rst.MoveFirst
    For I = 0 To Me.CmdCridi.Column(0) - 1

        rst!EmployeeID = Me.EmployeeID
        rst!Loan_ID = Me.ID
        rst!Loan_AwardMonth = Me.AwardMonth
        rst!Payment_Month = DateAdd("m", I, Me.DiscountStartDate)   'add the months, or use the next line
        'rst!Payment_Month = DateSerial(Year(Me.DiscountStartDate), Month(Me.DiscountStartDate) + I, 1)
        rst!Loan_Cridi = Me.txtDiscountPerMonth
        'rst!Payment_Made =     'to be used each time a pyment is made
        rst!Loan_Type = "Cridi"
        rst!Remarks = Me.CmdCridi.Column(1)
    Next I
    rst.Close: Set rst = Nothing

'Auto_ID, Auto_Date, EmployeeID, Loan_ID, Loan_AwardMonth, Payment_Month, Loan_Cridi, Payment_Amount, Payment_Made, Remarks
End Sub

 Beriod اصبح يقسم القسط على شهر واحد فقط بدلا من الشهر الذي يكتب في مربع النص 

 Dcode = Switch([Cridi_ID] > 0, 10)
 Dcode = Switch([Cridi_ID] > 0, [Beriod])

أرجو المساعدة

تم تعديل بواسطه كريمو2
رابط هذا التعليق

اذا تريد ان يقسم على 6 اي الرقم المكتوب في حقل المدة فقط عليك ان تغير هذا السطر من الكود 

 For I = 0 To Me.CmdCridi.Column(0) - 1

بهذا السطر

    For I = 0 To Me.Beriod - 1

واليك المرفق بعد تعديل


v2برنامج التقسيط.rar

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