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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته اقدم اليكم مكتبة مرنة وشاملة و متقدمة لإدارة و التعامل مع الملفات والمجلدات قمت بكتابتها بشكل مرن وإحترافي بمعنى الكلمة يحدد ما إذا كان المستخدم سيختار ملفًا أو مجلدًا يحدد شكل الإخراج (المسار الكامل، الاسم فقط، أو الاسم مع الامتداد) تصنيف الملفات حسب نوعها و تصفية الملفات المعروضة اختيار متعدد أو فردي اليكم الأكواد كاملة هديــــة لأخوانى وأحبابى Option Compare Database Option Explicit ' Global variables for file selection and allowed extensions Public IsFolderMode As Boolean ' Toggle folder selection mode Public AllowedExtensions As Collection ' Store allowed file extensions ' Enumeration for File Dialog Types Public Enum FileDialogType FilePicker = 1 ' Dialog for selecting files FolderPicker = 4 ' Dialog for selecting folders End Enum ' Enumeration for processing file path Public Enum FileProcessingMode FullPath = 1 ' Return the full file path NameWithoutExtension = 2 ' Return the file name without extension NameWithExtension = 3 ' Return the file name with extension End Enum ' Enumeration for file categories Public Enum FileCategory AccessFiles = 1 ' Access Database files (accdb, mdb, accda, etc.) ExcelFiles = 2 ' Excel files (xlsx, xls, xlsm, etc.) WordFiles = 3 ' Word files (docx, doc, docm, etc.) ImageFiles = 4 ' Images category (jpg, png, gif, bmp, tiff, etc.) AudioFiles = 5 ' Audio category (mp3, wav, ogg, flac, etc.) VideoFiles = 6 ' Video category (mp4, avi, mov, mkv, etc.) AcrobatFiles = 7 ' Acrobat PDF files (pdf) TextFiles = 8 ' Text files (txt, csv, log, md, etc.) PowerPointFiles = 9 ' PowerPoint files (pptx, ppt, pptm, etc.) CompressedFiles = 10 ' Compressed files (zip, rar, 7z, tar, gz, etc.) CodeFiles = 11 ' Code files (html, css, js, php, py, java, etc.) ExecutableFiles = 12 ' Executable files (exe, bat, cmd, apk, etc.) AllFiles = 13 ' All file types (*.*) End Enum ' Initialize the allowed extensions for a specific file category Sub InitializeExtensions(ByVal Category As FileCategory) Set AllowedExtensions = New Collection Select Case Category ' Access Database files Case AccessFiles AddExtensions Array("accda", "accdb", "accde", "accdr", "accdt", "accdw", "mda", "mdb", "mde", "mdf", "mdw") ' Excel files Case ExcelFiles AddExtensions Array("xlsx", "xls", "xlsm", "xlsb", "xltx", "xltm") ' Word files Case WordFiles AddExtensions Array("docx", "doc", "docm", "dotx", "dotm", "rtf", "odt") ' Image files Case ImageFiles AddExtensions Array("jpg", "jpeg", "png", "gif", "bmp", "tiff", "tif", "ico", "webp", "heif", "heic") ' Audio files Case AudioFiles AddExtensions Array("mp3", "wav", "ogg", "flac", "aac", "m4a", "wma", "alac", "opus", "aiff") ' Video files Case VideoFiles AddExtensions Array("mp4", "avi", "mov", "mkv", "flv", "wmv", "webm", "mpeg", "mpg", "3gp", "ts") ' Acrobat PDF files Case AcrobatFiles AllowedExtensions.Add "pdf" ' Text files Case TextFiles AddExtensions Array("txt", "csv", "log", "md", "rtf") ' PowerPoint files Case PowerPointFiles AddExtensions Array("pptx", "ppt", "ppsx", "pps", "pptm", "potx", "potm") ' Compressed files (Archives) Case CompressedFiles AddExtensions Array("zip", "rar", "7z", "tar", "gz", "tar.gz", "tgz", "xz", "bz2") ' Code files Case CodeFiles AddExtensions Array("html", "css", "js", "php", "py", "java", "cpp", "c", "rb", "swift", "go", "ts") ' Executable files Case ExecutableFiles AddExtensions Array("exe", "bat", "cmd", "msi", "apk", "app", "dmg", "jar") ' All file types Case AllFiles AllowedExtensions.Add "*.*" Case Else MsgBox "Invalid category provided!", vbCritical End Select End Sub ' Add an array of extensions to the AllowedExtensions collection Private Sub AddExtensions(ByVal ExtensionsArray As Variant) Dim Extension As Variant For Each Extension In ExtensionsArray AllowedExtensions.Add Extension Next Extension End Sub ' Display a file or folder dialog and return the selected files Function GetFiles(Optional ByVal Extensions As Collection = Nothing, Optional ByVal SingleFile As Boolean = False) As Collection Dim FileDialog As Object Dim FolderDialog As Object Dim SelectedFiles As New Collection Dim FolderPath As String Dim FilterString As String On Error GoTo ErrorHandler ' Build the file dialog filter FilterString = BuildFilterString(Extensions) If Not IsFolderMode Then ' File selection dialog Set FileDialog = Application.FileDialog(FileDialogType.FilePicker) With FileDialog .Title = "Select File(s)" .AllowMultiSelect = Not SingleFile .Filters.Clear .Filters.Add "Allowed Files", FilterString If .Show = -1 Then AddSelectedFilesToCollection FileDialog, SingleFile, SelectedFiles End If End With Else ' Folder selection dialog Set FolderDialog = Application.FileDialog(FileDialogType.FolderPicker) With FolderDialog .Title = "Select Folder" If .Show = -1 Then FolderPath = .SelectedItems(1) SelectedFiles.Add FolderPath End If End With End If ' Return the selected files or folder If SelectedFiles.Count > 0 Then Set GetFiles = SelectedFiles Else MsgBox "No files or folder selected.", vbExclamation Set GetFiles = Nothing Exit Function End If CleanUp: Set FileDialog = Nothing Set FolderDialog = Nothing Exit Function ErrorHandler: MsgBox "An error occurred: " & Err.Description, vbCritical Resume CleanUp End Function ' Build the file dialog filter string Private Function BuildFilterString(ByVal Extensions As Collection) As String Dim Filter As String Dim Extension As Variant If Not Extensions Is Nothing Then For Each Extension In Extensions Filter = Filter & "*." & Extension & ";" Next Extension If Len(Filter) > 0 Then Filter = Left(Filter, Len(Filter) - 1) Else Filter = "*.*" End If BuildFilterString = Filter End Function ' Add selected files to the collection Private Sub AddSelectedFilesToCollection(ByVal Dialog As Object, ByVal SingleFile As Boolean, ByRef FilesCollection As Collection) Dim Index As Long If SingleFile Then FilesCollection.Add Dialog.SelectedItems(1) Else For Index = 1 To Dialog.SelectedItems.Count FilesCollection.Add Dialog.SelectedItems(Index) Next Index End If End Sub ' Function to check if the file extension is allowed Function IsAllowedExtension(ByVal strExt As String, ByVal colExtensions As Collection) As Boolean Dim varExt As Variant If colExtensions Is Nothing Or colExtensions.Count = 0 Then IsAllowedExtension = True ' Allow all extensions if colExtensions is Nothing or empty Exit Function End If For Each varExt In colExtensions If LCase(strExt) = LCase(varExt) Then IsAllowedExtension = True Exit Function End If Next varExt IsAllowedExtension = False End Function ' Subroutine to select a folder and retrieve all files based on allowed extensions Sub SelectFilesInFolder(ByVal FileCategoryType As FileCategory) Dim SelectedFiles As Collection ' Collection to hold the selected files Dim FolderPath As String ' Folder path selected by the user Dim CurrentFileName As String ' Current file name during folder iteration Dim FileExtension As String ' File extension for the current file Dim FilteredFiles As New Collection ' Collection to hold filtered files Dim FileItem As Variant ' Variable to iterate through filtered files On Error GoTo ErrorHandler ' Handle errors if they occur ' Enable folder selection mode IsFolderMode = True ' Initialize allowed extensions for the specified file category InitializeExtensions FileCategoryType ' Prompt user to select a folder Set SelectedFiles = GetFiles(Nothing, False) ' Pass Nothing for extensions as folder mode doesn't filter by type ' Check if a folder was selected If Not SelectedFiles Is Nothing And SelectedFiles.Count > 0 Then ' Get the first (and only) selected folder path FolderPath = SelectedFiles(1) ' Start iterating through all files in the selected folder CurrentFileName = Dir(FolderPath & "\*.*") ' Retrieve the first file in the folder Do While CurrentFileName <> "" ' Extract file extension and convert it to lowercase FileExtension = LCase(Split(CurrentFileName, ".")(UBound(Split(CurrentFileName, ".")))) ' Check if the file extension is allowed and add it to the filtered collection If IsAllowedExtension(FileExtension, AllowedExtensions) Then FilteredFiles.Add FolderPath & "\" & CurrentFileName End If ' Retrieve the next file in the folder CurrentFileName = Dir Loop ' If there are filtered files, display their paths If FilteredFiles.Count > 0 Then For Each FileItem In FilteredFiles Debug.Print "Selected File: " & FileItem Next FileItem Else MsgBox "No files found matching the allowed extensions.", vbExclamation End If Else MsgBox "No folder selected.", vbExclamation End If Exit Sub ' Error handler to catch and display error 91 (and other errors if any) ErrorHandler: If Err.Number = 91 Then Exit Sub Else MsgBox "An unexpected error occurred: " & Err.Description, vbCritical End If Resume Next End Sub Sub SelectFolderPath() On Error GoTo ErrorHandler ' Handle errors if they occur ' Collection to hold the selected files Dim colFiles As Collection IsFolderMode = True ' Set folder mode to true for folder selection Set colFiles = GetFiles(Nothing, False) ' Pass Nothing for colExtensions as we are dealing with folders On Error Resume Next If Not colFiles Is Nothing And colFiles.Count > 0 Then PrintFilePaths colFiles Else MsgBox "No folder selected.", vbExclamation End If Exit Sub ' Error handler to catch and display error 91 (and other errors if any) ErrorHandler: If Err.Number = 91 Then Exit Sub Else MsgBox "An unexpected error occurred: " & Err.Description, vbCritical End If Resume Next End Sub ' Subroutine to demonstrate single file selection with specific extensions Sub SelectSingleFile(ByVal FileCategoryType As FileCategory) On Error GoTo ErrorHandler ' Handle errors if they occur ' Collection to hold the selected files Dim SelectedFiles As Collection ' Set file selection mode IsFolderMode = False ' Initialize allowed extensions for the specified file category InitializeExtensions FileCategoryType ' Prompt user to select a single file with allowed extensions Set SelectedFiles = GetFiles(AllowedExtensions, True) ' Print selected file path(s) PrintFilePaths SelectedFiles Exit Sub ' Error handler to catch and display error 91 (and other errors if any) ErrorHandler: If Err.Number = 91 Then Exit Sub Else MsgBox "An unexpected error occurred: " & Err.Description, vbCritical End If Resume Next End Sub ' Subroutine to demonstrate multiple file selection with specific extensions Sub SelectMultipleFiles(ByVal FileCategoryType As FileCategory) On Error GoTo ErrorHandler ' Handle errors if they occur ' Collection to hold the selected files Dim SelectedFiles As Collection ' Set file selection mode IsFolderMode = False ' Initialize allowed extensions for the specified file category InitializeExtensions FileCategoryType ' Prompt user to select multiple files with allowed extensions Set SelectedFiles = GetFiles(AllowedExtensions, False) ' Print selected file path(s) PrintFilePaths SelectedFiles Exit Sub ' Error handler to catch and display error 91 (and other errors if any) ErrorHandler: If Err.Number = 91 Then Exit Sub Else MsgBox "An unexpected error occurred: " & Err.Description, vbCritical End If Resume Next End Sub ' Subroutine to print file paths from a collection Sub PrintFilePaths(ByVal Files As Collection) ' Variable to iterate through filtered files Dim FileItem As Variant ' Check if the collection is valid and contains files If Not Files Is Nothing And Files.Count > 0 Then For Each FileItem In Files Debug.Print "Selected File: " & FileItem Next FileItem Else MsgBox "No files were selected or matched the allowed extensions.", vbExclamation End If End Sub ' Subroutine to process file paths, extract name, name without extension, and extension Sub ProcessFilePaths(ByVal colFiles As Collection) ' Variable to iterate through the collection Dim varFilePath As Variant ' Variable to hold the current file path as a string Dim strFilePath As String ' Variables to hold extracted components of the file path Dim fileName As String Dim fileNameWithoutExt As String Dim fileExt As String ' Check if the collection is not empty or Nothing If Not colFiles Is Nothing Then ' Loop through each file path in the collection For Each varFilePath In colFiles ' Assign the current file path to a string variable strFilePath = varFilePath ' Extract the file name from the full path fileName = GetFileNameFromPath(strFilePath) ' Extract the file name without the extension fileNameWithoutExt = GetFileNameWithoutExtension(strFilePath) ' Extract the file extension (including the dot) fileExt = GetFileExtension(strFilePath) ' ' Print the extracted information to the Immediate Window (Ctrl+G in VBA Editor) ' Debug.Print "Full Path: " & varFilePath ' Debug.Print "File Name: " & fileName ' Debug.Print "File Name Without Extension: " & fileNameWithoutExt ' Debug.Print "File Extension: " & fileExt ' Debug.Print "------------------------------" Next varFilePath Else ' Show a message box if the collection is empty or Nothing MsgBox "No files found.", vbInformation End If End Sub ' Function to extract the file name (including extension) from a full file path Function GetFileNameFromPath(FilePath As String) As String ' Check if the file path is empty If Len(FilePath) = 0 Then GetFileNameFromPath = "" ' Return an empty string if no path is provided Exit Function End If ' Search for the last backslash in the file path Dim pos As Long pos = InStrRev(FilePath, "\") ' Find the position of the last backslash ' If no backslash is found, check for forward slash (e.g., for web paths) If pos = 0 Then pos = InStrRev(FilePath, "/") ' Find the position of the last forward slash End If ' Extract and return the file name If pos > 0 Then GetFileNameFromPath = Mid(FilePath, pos + 1) ' Return everything after the last separator Else GetFileNameFromPath = FilePath ' If no separator is found, return the full path End If End Function ' Function to extract the file name without its extension from a full file path Function GetFileNameWithoutExtension(FilePath As String) As String ' Check if the file path is empty If Len(FilePath) = 0 Then GetFileNameWithoutExtension = "" ' Return an empty string if no path is provided Exit Function End If ' Search for the last backslash in the file path Dim posBackslash As Integer posBackslash = InStrRev(FilePath, "\") ' Find the position of the last backslash ' If no backslash is found, check for forward slash (e.g., for web paths) If posBackslash = 0 Then posBackslash = InStrRev(FilePath, "/") ' Find the position of the last forward slash End If ' Extract the file name (with extension) Dim fileName As String If posBackslash > 0 Then fileName = Mid(FilePath, posBackslash + 1) ' Extract the file name Else fileName = FilePath ' If no separator, the full path is considered the file name End If ' Search for the last dot in the file name to identify the extension Dim posDot As Integer posDot = InStrRev(fileName, ".") ' Find the position of the last dot ' Remove the extension if a dot is found If posDot > 0 Then GetFileNameWithoutExtension = Left(fileName, posDot - 1) ' Return the name without the extension Else GetFileNameWithoutExtension = fileName ' If no dot, return the full file name End If End Function ' Function to extract the file extension (including the dot) from a full file path Function GetFileExtension(FilePath As String) As String ' Check if the file path is empty If Len(FilePath) = 0 Then GetFileExtension = "" ' Return an empty string if no path is provided Exit Function End If ' Search for the last dot in the file path Dim posDot As Integer posDot = InStrRev(FilePath, ".") ' Find the position of the last dot ' Extract and return the file extension If posDot > 0 Then GetFileExtension = Mid(FilePath, posDot) ' Return everything after (and including) the last dot Else GetFileExtension = "" ' If no dot is found, return an empty string End If End Function ' Subroutine to save file paths or details into a database table ' Parameters: ' - SelectedFiles: Collection of selected file paths. ' - TableName: Name of the database table where data will be saved. ' - FieldName: Name of the field in the table to store the file information. ' - ProcessingMode: Determines how the file paths will be processed before saving. Default is FullPath. Sub SaveFileDetailsToTable(SelectedFiles As Collection, TableName As String, FieldName As String, Optional ByVal ProcessingMode As FileProcessingMode = FullPath) On Error GoTo ErrorHandler ' Handle errors if they occur Dim varFilePath As Variant Dim ProcessedValue As String ' Check if the SelectedFiles collection is valid and contains files If Not SelectedFiles Is Nothing And SelectedFiles.Count > 0 Then ' Loop through each file in the collection For Each varFilePath In SelectedFiles ' Determine how the file path should be processed based on ProcessingMode Select Case ProcessingMode Case FullPath ' Use the full file path as the value to save ProcessedValue = CStr(varFilePath) Case NameWithoutExtension ' Extract and use the file name without its extension ProcessedValue = GetFileNameWithoutExtension(CStr(varFilePath)) Case NameWithExtension ' Extract and use the file name including its extension ProcessedValue = GetFileNameFromPath(CStr(varFilePath)) Case Else ' Default to using the full file path ProcessedValue = CStr(varFilePath) End Select ' Construct the SQL statement to insert the processed value into the specified table and field Dim SQL As String SQL = "INSERT INTO [" & TableName & "] ([" & FieldName & "]) VALUES ('" & Replace(ProcessedValue, "'", "''") & "')" ' Execute the SQL statement to save the data into the database CurrentDb.Execute SQL, dbFailOnError Next varFilePath Else ' Display a message if no files were found in the collection MsgBox "No files found.", vbInformation End If Exit Sub ' Error handler to catch and display error 91 (and other errors if any) ErrorHandler: If Err.Number = 91 Then Exit Sub Else MsgBox "An unexpected error occurred: " & Err.Description, vbCritical End If Resume Next End Sub ' Test method to demonstrate saving file details to a table ' This subroutine selects files and saves their names without extensions into a database table Sub TestSaveResults() Dim SelectedFiles As Collection ' Set mode to file selection mode IsFolderMode = False ' Initialize allowed extensions for the specific category (e.g., images in this case) InitializeExtensions ImageFiles ' Prompt the user to select files based on the allowed extensions Set SelectedFiles = GetFiles(AllowedExtensions, False) ' Save the selected file names (without extensions) into the table "tblMedia" in the "fieldName" column SaveFileDetailsToTable SelectedFiles, "tblMedia", "fieldName", NameWithoutExtension End Sub ' Test the functionality of retrieving a folder path Sub TestGetFolderPath() ' Call the Select Folder function to get the folder path SelectFolderPath End Sub ' Test the functionality of selecting files in a folder based on the specified file category Sub TestSelectFilesInFolder() ' Call the SelectFilesInFolder function to select audio files from a folder SelectFilesInFolder AudioFiles End Sub ' Test the functionality of selecting a single file based on the specified file category Sub TestSelectSingleFile() ' Call the SelectSingleFile function to select a single audio file SelectSingleFile AudioFiles End Sub ' Test the functionality of selecting multiple files based on the specified file category Sub TestSelectMultipleFiles() ' Call the SelectMultipleFiles function to select multiple audio files SelectMultipleFiles AudioFiles End Sub
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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالى وبركاته المصدر و الموضوع الاساسى : فى هذه المشاركة لأستاذى القدير و معلمى الجليل و والدى الحبيب الاستاذ جعفر ( @jjafferr ) بعد اذن استاذى الجليل و معلمى القدير وحتي تعم الفائدة أقتبس من الموضوع الأساسى بعض المقتطفات و التى هى الأساس : هناك 3 انواع من هذه القوائم : الثابته ، والمؤقته ، والمؤقته التي تحتاج الى كود. الثابته: وهي التي عندما نعملها ، تصبح مستقله عن الكود ، وتُحفظ وتبقى في قاعدة البيانات بعد إغلاقها ، ويمكننا ان نستوردها في قاعدة بيانات اخرى عندما نستورد احد/جميع كائنات قاعدة البيانات الآخرى ، بإستخدام : . ونختارها في النموذج : . او التقرير : هذا مثال لعمل الكود الاساس لعمل قائمة قطع/نسخ/لصق : ومن هنا يبدأ موضوعى المتواضع بإعادة هيكلة وبناء وتطوير وإضافة الاكواد حسب فهمى المتواضع وأفكارى البسيطة والضئيلة الشرح :اولا الاكواد فى الموديول :basCommandBarsConfiguration Option Compare Database Option Explicit ' Author: www.officena.net , Mohammed Essam, soul-angel@msn.com, July 2024. ' Constants for button states and control types Public Const BUTTON_STATE_DOWN As Integer = -1 ' BUTTON_STATE_DOWN: Indicates that a button is in a pressed or activated state. ' This value is used to reflect the button's pressed status. Public Const BUTTON_STATE_UP As Integer = 0 ' BUTTON_STATE_UP: Indicates that a button is in its default, unpressed state. ' This value is used to reflect the button's normal, unpressed status. Public Const CONTROL_TYPE_BUTTON As Integer = 1 ' CONTROL_TYPE_BUTTON: Represents a button control type in a command bar or menu. ' Used to add buttons to a command bar or menu with various functionalities. Public Const CONTROL_TYPE_EDIT As Integer = 2 ' CONTROL_TYPE_EDIT: Represents an editable control type, such as a text box. ' Used to add an editable text field to a command bar or menu. Public Const CONTROL_TYPE_COMBOBOX As Integer = 4 ' CONTROL_TYPE_COMBOBOX: Represents a combo box control type in a command bar or menu. ' A combo box allows users to select from a list of predefined options or enter a custom value. Public Const CONTROL_TYPE_POPUP As Integer = 5 ' CONTROL_TYPE_POPUP: Represents a popup menu or sub-menu control type. ' Used to create a dropdown menu or context menu in a command bar. Public Const BAR_TYPE_POPUP As Integer = 5 ' BAR_TYPE_POPUP: Represents a popup menu bar type. ' Used to create a command bar that behaves as a popup menu (e.g., appears on right-click or when invoked). ' Variables for CommandBar and Controls Public commandBar As Object ' Represents the custom command bar (popup menu) object Public commandButton As Object ' Represents each button/control added to the command bar Public commandBarName As String ' Name of the custom command bar Public CtrlFilterPopup As Object ' Represents the popup control for text filters '================================================================================ ' Procedure : AddButtonToCommandBar ' Purpose : Adds a button to a command bar with specified properties. ' Parameters: ' - btn: The button object to be added to the command bar. ' - type: The type of control (button). ' - id: The ID of the button. ' - caption: The caption text for the button. ' - beginGroup (optional): Boolean to indicate if a separator should be added before the button. '================================================================================ ' Author: www.officena.net , Mohammed Essam, soul-angel@msn.com, July 2024. ' Subroutine to add a button to the command bar Private Sub AddButtonToCommandBar(ByRef controls As Object, _ ByVal controlType As Integer, _ ByVal faceId As Integer, _ ByVal caption As String, _ Optional ByVal beginGroup As Boolean = False) On Error Resume Next Set commandButton = controls.Add(controlType, faceId, , , False) If Not commandButton Is Nothing Then With commandButton .caption = caption .faceId = faceId .beginGroup = beginGroup End With End If On Error GoTo 0 End Sub '================================================================================ ' Procedure : AddFilterControls ' Purpose : Adds filter controls to the provided controls collection in a filter popup. ' Parameters: ' - controls: The controls collection to which the filter controls will be added. '================================================================================ ' Author: www.officena.net , Mohammed Essam, soul-angel@msn.com, July 2024. ' Subroutine to add filter controls to the filter popup Private Sub AddFilterControls(ByRef controls As Object) With controls .Add CONTROL_TYPE_BUTTON, 10077, , , False .Add CONTROL_TYPE_BUTTON, 10078, , , False .Add CONTROL_TYPE_BUTTON, 10079, , , False .Add CONTROL_TYPE_BUTTON, 12696, , , False .Add CONTROL_TYPE_BUTTON, 10080, , , False .Add CONTROL_TYPE_BUTTON, 10081, , , False .Add CONTROL_TYPE_BUTTON, 10082, , , False .Add CONTROL_TYPE_BUTTON, 10083, , , False .Add CONTROL_TYPE_BUTTON, 12697, , , False .Add CONTROL_TYPE_BUTTON, 10058, , , False .Add CONTROL_TYPE_BUTTON, 10069, , , False .Add CONTROL_TYPE_BUTTON, 10070, , , False End With End Sub '================================================================================ ' Procedure : ClipboardActionsSortFilterCommandBar ' Purpose : Creates and configures a custom command bar with ClipboardActions (cut, copy, paste), sort, and filter options. '================================================================================ ' Author: www.officena.net , Mohammed Essam, soul-angel@msn.com, July 2024. ' Subroutine to create and configure the copy, sort, and filter command bar Public Sub ClipboardActionsSortFilterCommandBar() On Error GoTo ErrorHandler ' Handle errors ' Define the name of the custom command bar commandBarName = "ClipboardActionsSortFilterCommandBar" ' Ensure this matches the name you are checking ' Delete the existing command bar with the same name, if any On Error Resume Next Set commandBar = CommandBars(commandBarName) If Not commandBar Is Nothing Then commandBar.Delete End If If Err.Number <> 0 Then Err.Clear ' Create a new command bar Set commandBar = CommandBars.Add(Name:=commandBarName, Position:=BAR_TYPE_POPUP, Temporary:=False) With commandBar ' Add buttons to the command bar Call AddButtonToCommandBar(.controls, CONTROL_TYPE_BUTTON, 21, "Cut") Call AddButtonToCommandBar(.controls, CONTROL_TYPE_BUTTON, 19, "Copy") Call AddButtonToCommandBar(.controls, CONTROL_TYPE_BUTTON, 22, "Paste") Call AddButtonToCommandBar(.controls, CONTROL_TYPE_BUTTON, 210, "Sort Ascending", True) Call AddButtonToCommandBar(.controls, CONTROL_TYPE_BUTTON, 211, "Sort Descending") Call AddButtonToCommandBar(.controls, CONTROL_TYPE_BUTTON, 640, "Filter By Selection", True) Call AddButtonToCommandBar(.controls, CONTROL_TYPE_BUTTON, 3017, "Filter Excluding Selection") Call AddButtonToCommandBar(.controls, CONTROL_TYPE_BUTTON, 605, "Remove Filter/Sort") ' Add Filter For button with a popup menu Set CtrlFilterPopup = .controls.Add(Type:=CONTROL_TYPE_POPUP, Temporary:=False) If Not CtrlFilterPopup Is Nothing Then CtrlFilterPopup.caption = "Text Filters" ' Ensure CtrlFilterPopup is a CommandBarPopup If TypeName(CtrlFilterPopup) = "CommandBarPopup" Then ' Remove any existing controls For Each commandButton In CtrlFilterPopup.controls commandButton.Delete Next commandButton ' Add new controls to CtrlFilterPopup Call AddFilterControls(CtrlFilterPopup.controls) End If End If ' Add Close Form/Report button Set commandButton = .controls.Add(Type:=CONTROL_TYPE_BUTTON, ID:=923, Temporary:=False) If Not commandButton Is Nothing Then commandButton.beginGroup = True commandButton.caption = ChrW(1573) & ChrW(1594) & ChrW(1604) & ChrW(1575) & ChrW(1602) ' Close commandButton.OnAction = "CloseCurrentItem" ' Action to call the CloseCurrentItem subroutine End If End With ' Clean up Set commandBar = Nothing Set commandButton = Nothing Set CtrlFilterPopup = Nothing Exit Sub ErrorHandler: ' MsgBox "An error occurred: " & Err.Description, vbExclamation ' Debug.Print "An error occurred in cmb_Copy_Sort_Filter : " & Err.Number & " | " & Err.Description Resume Next End Sub '================================================================================ ' Procedure : ClipboardActionsSortCommandBar ' Purpose : Creates and configures a custom command bar with ClipboardActions (cut, copy, paste), and sorting options. '================================================================================ ' Author: www.officena.net , Mohammed Essam, soul-angel@msn.com, July 2024. ' Subroutine to create and configure the custom command bar Public Sub ClipboardActionsSortCommandBar() On Error GoTo ErrorHandler ' Handle errors ' Define the name of the custom command bar commandBarName = "ClipboardActionsSortCommandBar" ' Name for the custom command bar ' Delete the existing command bar with the same name, if any On Error Resume Next Set commandBar = CommandBars(commandBarName) If Not commandBar Is Nothing Then commandBar.Delete End If If Err.Number <> 0 Then Err.Clear ' Add a new command bar (popup menu) with the specified name Set commandBar = CommandBars.Add(Name:=commandBarName, Position:=BAR_TYPE_POPUP, Temporary:=False) With commandBar ' Add buttons to the command bar using the new subroutine ' Add Cut button Call AddButtonToCommandBar(.controls, CONTROL_TYPE_BUTTON, 21, ChrW(1602) & ChrW(1589)) ' Add Copy button Call AddButtonToCommandBar(.controls, CONTROL_TYPE_BUTTON, 19, ChrW(1606) & ChrW(1587) & ChrW(1582)) ' Add Paste button Call AddButtonToCommandBar(.controls, CONTROL_TYPE_BUTTON, 22, ChrW(1604) & ChrW(1589) & ChrW(1602)) ' Add Sort Ascending button Call AddButtonToCommandBar(.controls, CONTROL_TYPE_BUTTON, 210, ChrW(1578) & ChrW(1585) & ChrW(1578) & ChrW(1610) & ChrW(1576) & ChrW(32) & ChrW(1578) & ChrW(1589) & ChrW(1575) & ChrW(1593) & ChrW(1583) & ChrW(1610), True) ' Add Sort Descending button Call AddButtonToCommandBar(.controls, CONTROL_TYPE_BUTTON, 211, ChrW(1578) & ChrW(1585) & ChrW(1578) & ChrW(1610) & ChrW(1576) & ChrW(32) & ChrW(1578) & ChrW(1606) & ChrW(1575) & ChrW(1586) & ChrW(1604) & ChrW(1610), True) ' Add Close Form/Report button Set commandButton = .controls.Add(Type:=CONTROL_TYPE_BUTTON, ID:=923, Temporary:=False) If Not commandButton Is Nothing Then commandButton.beginGroup = True commandButton.caption = ChrW(1573) & ChrW(1594) & ChrW(1604) & ChrW(1575) & ChrW(1602) ' Close commandButton.OnAction = "CloseCurrentItem" ' Action to call the CloseCurrentItem subroutine End If End With ' Clean up Set commandBar = Nothing Set commandButton = Nothing Exit Sub ErrorHandler: ' MsgBox "An error occurred: " & Err.Description, vbExclamation ' Debug.Print "An error occurred in cmb_CustomMenu : " & Err.Number & " | " & Err.Description Resume Next End Sub '================================================================================ ' Procedure : ClipboardActionsCommandBar ' Purpose : Creates and configures a custom command bar with ClipboardActions (cut, copy, paste). '================================================================================ ' Author: www.officena.net , Mohammed Essam, soul-angel@msn.com, July 2024. ' Subroutine to create and configure the copy command bar Public Sub ClipboardActionsCommandBar() On Error GoTo ErrorHandler ' Handle errors ' Define the name of the custom command bar commandBarName = "ClipboardActionsCommandBar" ' Delete the existing command bar with the same name, if any On Error Resume Next Set commandBar = CommandBars(commandBarName) If Not commandBar Is Nothing Then commandBar.Delete End If If Err.Number <> 0 Then Err.Clear ' Add a new command bar (popup menu) with the specified name Set commandBar = CommandBars.Add(Name:=commandBarName, Position:=BAR_TYPE_POPUP, Temporary:=False) With commandBar ' Add buttons to the command bar Call AddButtonToCommandBar(.controls, CONTROL_TYPE_BUTTON, 21, ChrW(1602) & ChrW(1589)) ' Cut Call AddButtonToCommandBar(.controls, CONTROL_TYPE_BUTTON, 19, ChrW(1606) & ChrW(1587) & ChrW(1582)) ' Copy Call AddButtonToCommandBar(.controls, CONTROL_TYPE_BUTTON, 22, ChrW(1604) & ChrW(1589) & ChrW(1602)) ' Paste End With ' Clean up Set commandBar = Nothing Exit Sub ErrorHandler: ' MsgBox "An error occurred: " & Err.Description, vbExclamation ' Debug.Print "An error occurred in SCM_Copy : " & Err.Number & " | " & Err.Description Resume Next End Sub '================================================================================ ' Procedure : ReportContextMenuCommandBar ' Purpose : Creates and configures a custom report command bar with various ' printing, setup, and export options for reports. '================================================================================ ' Author: www.officena.net , Mohammed Essam, soul-angel@msn.com, July 2024. ' Subroutine to create and configure the custom report command bar Public Sub ReportContextMenuCommandBar() On Error GoTo ErrorHandler ' Handle errors Dim exportSubMenu As Object ' New variable for sub-menu handling ' Define the command bar name commandBarName = "ReportContextMenuCommandBar" ' Delete the existing command bar with the same name, if any On Error Resume Next Set commandBar = CommandBars(commandBarName) If Not commandBar Is Nothing Then commandBar.Delete End If If Err.Number <> 0 Then Err.Clear ' Create the shortcut menu Set commandBar = CommandBars.Add(Name:=commandBarName, Position:=BAR_TYPE_POPUP, Temporary:=False) ' Ensure commandBar was created successfully If commandBar Is Nothing Then MsgBox "Failed to create command bar.", vbExclamation Exit Sub End If With commandBar.controls ' Add the Print command Call AddButtonToCommandBar(.Add(Type:=CONTROL_TYPE_BUTTON, ID:=2521), CONTROL_TYPE_BUTTON, 2521, "Quick Print") ' Add the Select Pages command Call AddButtonToCommandBar(.Add(Type:=CONTROL_TYPE_BUTTON, ID:=15948), CONTROL_TYPE_BUTTON, 15948, "Select Pages") ' Add the Page Setup command Call AddButtonToCommandBar(.Add(Type:=CONTROL_TYPE_BUTTON, ID:=247), CONTROL_TYPE_BUTTON, 247, "Page Setup") ' Add the Email Report as an Attachment command Call AddButtonToCommandBar(.Add(Type:=CONTROL_TYPE_BUTTON, ID:=2188), CONTROL_TYPE_BUTTON, 2188, "Email Report as an Attachment", True) ' Add the Save as PDF/XPS command Call AddButtonToCommandBar(.Add(Type:=CONTROL_TYPE_BUTTON, ID:=12499), CONTROL_TYPE_BUTTON, 12499, "Save as PDF/XPS") ' Add Export to Word and Excel commands as sub-items of the PDF/XPS button If .Count >= 5 Then ' Add sub-menu for PDF/XPS button Set exportSubMenu = .Item(5).controls.Add(Type:=CONTROL_TYPE_POPUP, Temporary:=False) exportSubMenu.caption = "Export Options" ' Add Export to Word Set commandButton = exportSubMenu.controls.Add(Type:=CONTROL_TYPE_BUTTON, ID:=11725, Temporary:=False) If Not commandButton Is Nothing Then commandButton.caption = "Export to Word..." commandButton.faceId = 42 End If ' Add Export to Excel Set commandButton = exportSubMenu.controls.Add(Type:=CONTROL_TYPE_BUTTON, ID:=11723, Temporary:=False) If Not commandButton Is Nothing Then commandButton.caption = "Export to Excel…" commandButton.faceId = 263 End If End If ' Add the Close Report command Call AddButtonToCommandBar(.Add(Type:=CONTROL_TYPE_BUTTON, ID:=923), CONTROL_TYPE_BUTTON, 923, "Close Report", True) End With ' Clean up Set commandBar = Nothing Set commandButton = Nothing Set exportSubMenu = Nothing Exit Sub ErrorHandler: ' MsgBox "An error occurred: " & Err.Description, vbExclamation ' Debug.Print "An error occurred in CreateReportShortcutMenu : " & Err.Number & " | " & Err.Description Resume Next End Sub '================================================================================ ' Procedure : CloseCurrentItem ' Purpose : Closes the currently active form or report in the application. If no form ' or report is active, it displays a message to the user. '================================================================================ ' Author: www.officena.net , Mohammed Essam, soul-angel@msn.com, July 2024. ' Subroutine to close the currently active form or report Public Sub CloseCurrentItem() On Error GoTo ErrorHandler Dim obj As Object Dim activeItemName As String Dim isFormActive As Boolean Dim isReportActive As Boolean ' Check if an active form is open and close it isFormActive = False For Each obj In Forms If obj.Name = Screen.ActiveForm.Name Then activeItemName = obj.Name isFormActive = True Exit For End If Next obj If isFormActive Then DoCmd.Close acForm, activeItemName Exit Sub End If ' Check if an active report is open and close it isReportActive = False For Each obj In Reports If obj.Name = Screen.ActiveReport.Name Then activeItemName = obj.Name isReportActive = True Exit For End If Next obj If isReportActive Then DoCmd.Close acReport, activeItemName Exit Sub End If ' If no form or report is active, display a message MsgBox "There is no active form or report to close.", vbExclamation Exit Sub ErrorHandler: ' MsgBox "An error occurred: " & Err.Description, vbExclamation ' Debug.Print "An error occurred: " & Err.Number & " | " & Err.Description Resume Next End Sub '================================================================================ ' Procedure : DeleteAllCommandBars ' Purpose : Deletes all custom (non-built-in) command bars. '================================================================================ ' Author: www.officena.net , Mohammed Essam, soul-angel@msn.com, July 2024. ' Subroutine to Deletes all custom command bars. Public Sub DeleteAllCommandBars() On Error GoTo ErrorHandler ' Handle errors Dim i As Integer Dim cmdBar As Object Dim cmdBarsCount As Integer ' Get the count of command bars cmdBarsCount = CommandBars.Count ' Iterate through all command bars in reverse order For i = cmdBarsCount To 1 Step -1 On Error Resume Next ' Ignore errors if they occur during deletion Set cmdBar = CommandBars(i) If Not cmdBar Is Nothing Then ' Check if the command bar is not built-in or default If Not cmdBar.BuiltIn Then cmdBar.Delete Debug.Print "CommandBar '" & cmdBar.Name & "' has been deleted." End If End If On Error GoTo ErrorHandler ' Restore error handling Next i ' Clean up Set cmdBar = Nothing Exit Sub ErrorHandler: ' Display a more specific error message ' MsgBox "An error occurred while trying to delete command bars: " & Err.Description, vbExclamation ' Debug.Print "An error occurred in DeleteAllCommandBars: " & Err.Number & " | " & Err.Description Resume Next End Sub الثوابت : BUTTON_STATE_DOWN: قيمة ثابتة تستخدم للإشارة إلى أن الزر في حالة ضغط أو تفعيل ويستخدم هذا لإظهار حالة الزر عند الضغط عليه BUTTON_STATE_UP: قيمة ثابتة تستخدم للإشارة إلى أن الزر في حالته الطبيعية أو غير المضغوط عليها يستخدم هذا لإظهار حالة الزر عند عدم الضغط عليه CONTROL_TYPE_BUTTON: قيمة ثابتة تستخدم لتمثيل نوع التحكم "زر" في شريط الأوامر : ( قائمة السياق ) CONTROL_TYPE_EDIT: قيمة ثابتة تستخدم لتمثيل نوع التحكم "محرر" مثل صندوق النص يستخدم لإضافة حقل نص قابل للتعديل في شريط الأوامر : ( قائمة السياق ) CONTROL_TYPE_COMBOBOX: قيمة ثابتة تستخدم لتمثيل نوع التحكم "قائمة منسدلة" القائمة المنسدلة تسمح للمستخدمين بالاختيار من قائمة محددة مسبقا أو إدخال قيمة مخصصة CONTROL_TYPE_POPUP: قيمة ثابتة تستخدم لتمثيل نوع التحكم "قائمة منبثقة" أو "قائمة فرعية" تُستخدم لإنشاء قائمة منسدلة أو قائمة سياقية في شريط الأوامر BAR_TYPE_POPUP: قيمة ثابتة تُستخدم لتمثيل نوع شريط الأوامر المنبثق. يُستخدم لإنشاء شريط أدوات يظهر عند النقر بالزر الأيمن أو عند استدعائه -------------- المتغيرات : commandBar: يمثل كائن شريط الأوامر المخصص (قائمة السياق) commandButton: يمثل كل زر/تحكم يتم إضافته إلى شريط الأوامر commandBarName: اسم شريط الأوامر المخصص CtrlFilterPopup: يمثل التحكم المنبثق للفلاتر النصية -------------- الدوال : دالة : AddButtonToCommandBar الغرض: إضافة زر إلى شريط الأوامر مع الخصائص المحددة المعلمات: controls: مجموعة التحكمات التي سيتم إضافة الزر إليها controlType: نوع التحكم (زر في هذه الحالة) faceId: معرف الأيقونة للزر caption: نص التسمية للزر beginGroup (اختياري): منطق لبدء مجموعة جديدة مع الزر، مما يضيف فاصلًا قبله -------------- دالة : AddFilterControls الغرض: إضافة عناصر التحكم بالفلاتر إلى مجموعة التحكمات المحددة في قائمة منبثقة للفلاتر المعلمات: controls: مجموعة التحكمات التي سيتم إضافة عناصر الفلاتر إليها -------------- دالة : ClipboardActionsSortFilterCommandBar الغرض: إنشاء وتكوين شريط أوامر مخصص يتضمن خيارات الحافظة (قص، نسخ، لصق)، والفرز، والفلاتر العملية: إنشاء شريط أوامر جديد ( قائمة السياق ) إضافة أزرار للقص، النسخ، اللصق، الفرز، والفلاتر إضافة قائمة منبثقة للفلاتر النصية إضافة زر لإغلاق النموذج/التقرير -------------- دالة : ClipboardActionsSortCommandBar الغرض: إنشاء وتكوين شريط أوامر جديد ( قائمة السياق ) يتضمن خيارات الحافظة (قص، نسخ، لصق), والفرز العملية: إنشاء شريط أوامر جديد إضافة أزرار للقص، النسخ، اللصق، والفرز إضافة زر لإغلاق النموذج/التقرير -------------- دالة : ClipboardActionsCommandBar الغرض: إنشاء وتكوين شريط أوامر مخصص يتضمن خيارات الحافظة (قص، نسخ، لصق) العملية: إنشاء شريط أوامر جديد إضافة أزرار للقص، النسخ، واللصق -------------- دالة : ReportContextMenuCommandBar الغرض: إنشاء وتكوين شريط أوامر مخصص لقائمة السياق الخاصة بالتقرير، يتضمن خيارات الطباعة، الإعداد، والتصدير العملية: إنشاء شريط أوامر جديد إضافة أزرار لطباعة، اختيار الصفحات، إعداد الصفحة، إرسال التقرير بالبريد الإلكتروني كمرفق، حفظ كـ PDF/XPS إضافة خيارات تصدير إلى Word و Excel كعناصر فرعية لزر PDF/XPS إضافة زر لإغلاق التقرير -------------- دالة : CloseCurrentItem الغرض: إغلاق النموذج أو التقرير النشط حاليا في التطبيق العملية: التحقق مما إذا كان هناك نموذج نشط وإغلاقه التقق مما إذا كان هناك تقرير نشط وإغلاقه -------------- دالة : DeleteAllCommandBars الغرض: حذف جميع أشرطة الأوامر المخصصة (غير المدمجة) في التطبيق العملية: الحصول على عدد أشرطة الأوامر: يتم الحصول على عدد أشرطة الأوامر الحالية باستخدام CommandBars.Count التكرار من آخر شريط أوامر إلى أول شريط أوامر (من النهاية إلى البداية) لضمان عدم حدوث أخطاء أثناء الحذف حذف أشرطة الأوامر: إذا لم يكن الشريط مدمجًا (أي أنه شريط مخصص) يتم حذف الشريط -------------- واخيرا استدعاء الدالة عند تحميل النموذج أو التقرير: استدعاء دالة: Call RoutineNameCustomCommandBar يتم استدعاء دالة مع تغيير RoutineNameCustomCommandBar باسم الدالة الخاصة بإنشاء وتكوين شريط الأوامر المخصص حيث تقوم بإنشاء أو تعديل شريط الأوامر (CommandBar) الخاص بالنموذج أو التقرير تعيين خاصية ShortcutMenuBar: Me.ShortcutMenuBar = RoutineNameCustomCommandBar يتم تعيين خاصية ShortcutMenuBar للنموذج أو التقرير إلى اسم شريط الأوامر الذي تم إنشاؤه أو تعديله أثناء استدعاء الدالة المخصصة بهذه الطريقة يتم ربط شريط الأوامر المخصص بقائمة الاختصارات (shortcut menu) للنموذج أو التقرير الحالي ارقام جميع الصور الموجودة في الاكسس والتى نستخدمها كمعلمة فى faceId معرف الأيقونة للزر المصادر: الموضوع الاساسى فى هذا المنتدى لأستاذى القدير و معلمى الجليل و والدى الحبيب الاستاذ جعفر https://www.officena.net/ib/topic/99557-القائمة-المختصرة-shortcut-menu/#comment-603366 http://dev-soln.com/access-shortcut-right-click-tool/ https://www.experts-exchange.com/articles/12904/Understanding-and-using-CommandBars-Part-II-Creating-your-own.html https://filedb.experts-exchange.com/incoming/2014/02_w06/833359/CommandBars-II.mdb https://www.experts-exchange.com/articles/18341/CommandBars-Part-III-Using-Built-in-Shortcut-Menus.html http://www.skrol29.com/us/vtools.php CommandBarsConfiguration.accdb
- 4 replies
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- commandbarsconfiguration
- commandbars
(و21 أكثر)
موسوم بكلمه :
- commandbarsconfiguration
- commandbars
- commandbar
- قائمة السياق
- custom commandbar
- شريط الأوامر المخصص
- شريط الأوامر المخصص للنماذج والتقارير
- قائمة السياق المخصصة
- قائمة السياق المخصصة للنماذج والتقارير
- custom context menu for forms and reports
- أشرطة الأوامر المخصصة للنماذج والتقارير
- custom command bars for forms and reports
- ابو جوى
- شخابيط
- شخابيط وأفكار
- شخابيط ابو جودى
- شخابيط وافكار
- القائمة المختصرة
- القائمة المختصرة للنماذج والتقارير
- القائمة المختصرة للنماذج
- القائمة المختصرة للتقارير
- right click
- النقر اليمين
-تجهيز مجلدات وملف الصوت الخطوة الاولى قم بانشاء مجلد جديد فى مسار قاعدة البيانات الحالى باسم ( Resurce ) الخطوة الثانية قم بفتح المجلد السابق وقم بانشاء مجلد جديد بداخله باسم ( Audio Files ) الخطوة الثالثة قم بنسخ ملف صوت الى المجلد ( Audio Files ) اما بامتداد wav , .mp3. --------------------- -تجهيز قاعدة البيانات الخطوة الاولى قم بانشاء وحدة نمطية باسم ( modPlayAudio ) وقم بلصق الاكواد الاتية فى هذه الوحدة النمطية Option Compare Database Option Explicit #If VBA7 And Win64 Then Private Declare PtrSafe Function mciSendString Lib "winmm.dll" Alias "mciSendStringA" (ByVal lpstrCommand As String, ByVal lpstrReturnString As Any, ByVal uReturnLength As Long, ByVal hwndCallback As Long) As Long Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetShortPathName Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetShortPathNameA" (ByVal lpszLongPath As String, ByVal lpszShortPath As String, ByVal lBuffer As Long) As Long Private Declare PtrSafe Function playSound Lib "winmm.dll" Alias "PlaySoundA" (ByVal lpszName As String, ByVal hModule As Long, ByVal dwFlags As Long) As Long #Else Private Declare Function mciSendString Lib "winmm.dll" Alias "mciSendStringA" (ByVal lpstrCommand As String, ByVal lpstrReturnString As Any, ByVal uReturnLength As Long, ByVal hwndCallback As Long) As Long Private Declare Function GetShortPathName Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetShortPathNameA" (ByVal lpszLongPath As String, ByVal lpszShortPath As String, ByVal lBuffer As Long) As Long Private Declare Function playSound Lib "winmm.dll" Alias "PlaySoundA" (ByVal lpszName As String, ByVal hModule As Long, ByVal dwFlags As Long) As Long #End If Const SND_ALIAS_SYSTEMASTERISK As String = "SystemAsterisk" Const SND_ALIAS_SYSTEMDEFAULT As String = "SystemDefault" Const SND_ALIAS_SYSTEMEXCLAMATION As String = "SystemExclamation" Const SND_ALIAS_SYSTEMEXIT As String = "SystemExit" Const SND_ALIAS_SYSTEMHAND As String = "SystemHand" Const SND_ALIAS_SYSTEMQUESTION As String = "SystemQuestion" Const SND_ALIAS_SYSTEMSTART As String = "SystemStart" Const SND_ALIAS_SYSTEMWELCOME As String = "SystemWelcome" Const SND_ALIAS_YouGotMail As String = "MailBeep" ' playsound Params Const SND_LOOP = &H8 Const SND_ALIAS = &H10000 Const SND_NODEFAULT = &H2 ' silence if no sound associated with event Const SND_ASYNC = &H1 ' play async (don't freeze program while sound is playing) Private sMusicFile As String Public soundOn As Boolean Dim mp3Path As String Dim wavPath As String Dim Play As Variant Public Sub Sound_MP3(ByVal File$) sMusicFile = GetShortPath(File) Play = mciSendString("play " & sMusicFile, 0&, 0, 0) If Play <> 0 Then End If End Sub Public Sub Stop_MP3(Optional ByVal FullFile$) Play = mciSendString("close " & sMusicFile, 0&, 0, 0) End Sub Public Function GetShortPath(ByVal strFileName As String) As String Dim lngRes As Long, strPath As String strPath = String$(165, 0) lngRes = GetShortPathName(strFileName, strPath, 164) GetShortPath = Left$(strPath, lngRes) End Function Function IsFile(ByVal fName As String) As Boolean On Error Resume Next IsFile = ((GetAttr(fName) And vbDirectory) <> vbDirectory) End Function Public Function AudioFilePath() As String AudioFilePath = CurrentProject.Path & "\Resurce\Audio Files\" End Function Public Function PlayFile(ByVal FileName_ As String) Dim Msg As String Msg = ChrW(1578) & ChrW(1571) & ChrW(1603) & ChrW(1583) & ChrW(32) & ChrW(1605) & ChrW(1606) & ChrW(32) & ChrW(1608) & ChrW(1580) & _ ChrW(1608) & ChrW(1583) & ChrW(32) & ChrW(1605) & ChrW(1587) & ChrW(1575) & ChrW(1585) & ChrW(32) & ChrW(40) & ChrW(32) & _ ChrW(1605) & ChrW(1604) & ChrW(1601) & ChrW(32) & ChrW(47) & ChrW(32) & ChrW(1605) & ChrW(1604) & ChrW(1601) & ChrW(1575) & _ ChrW(1578) & ChrW(41) & ChrW(32) & ChrW(1575) & ChrW(1604) & ChrW(1589) & ChrW(1608) & ChrW(1578) & ChrW(32) & ChrW(46) & _ ChrW(13) & ChrW(10) & ChrW(1578) & ChrW(1571) & ChrW(1603) & ChrW(1583) & ChrW(32) & ChrW(1605) & ChrW(1606) & ChrW(32) & _ ChrW(1608) & ChrW(1580) & ChrW(1608) & ChrW(1583) & ChrW(32) & ChrW(40) & ChrW(32) & ChrW(1605) & ChrW(1604) & ChrW(1601) & _ ChrW(32) & ChrW(47) & ChrW(32) & ChrW(1605) & ChrW(1604) & ChrW(1601) & ChrW(1575) & ChrW(1578) & ChrW(41) & ChrW(32) & _ ChrW(1575) & ChrW(1604) & ChrW(1589) & ChrW(1608) & ChrW(1578) & ChrW(32) & ChrW(1601) & ChrW(1609) & ChrW(32) & ChrW(1575) & _ ChrW(1604) & ChrW(1605) & ChrW(1587) & ChrW(1575) & ChrW(1585) & ChrW(32) & ChrW(1575) & ChrW(1604) & ChrW(1605) & _ ChrW(1581) & ChrW(1583) & ChrW(1583) & ChrW(32) & ChrW(46) & ChrW(13) & ChrW(10) & ChrW(1578) & ChrW(1571) & _ ChrW(1603) & ChrW(1583) & ChrW(32) & ChrW(1605) & ChrW(1606) & ChrW(32) & ChrW(1575) & ChrW(1587) & ChrW(1605) & _ ChrW(32) & ChrW(32) & ChrW(40) & ChrW(32) & ChrW(1605) & ChrW(1604) & ChrW(1601) & ChrW(32) & ChrW(47) & ChrW(32) & _ ChrW(1605) & ChrW(1604) & ChrW(1601) & ChrW(1575) & ChrW(1578) & ChrW(41) & ChrW(32) & ChrW(1575) & ChrW(1604) & _ ChrW(1589) & ChrW(1608) & ChrW(1578) & ChrW(32) & ChrW(46) mp3Path = AudioFilePath & FileName_ & ".mp3" wavPath = AudioFilePath & FileName_ & ".wav" StopFile If IsFile(mp3Path) Then Sound_MP3 (mp3Path): Exit Function If IsFile(wavPath) Then playSound (wavPath), vbNull, SND_ALIAS Or SND_NODEFAULT Or SND_ASYNC: Exit Function If IsFile(mp3Path) = IsFile(wavPath) Then MsgBox (Msg), vbOKOnly + vbMsgBoxRtlReading + vbMsgBoxRight: Exit Function End Function Public Function StopFile() playSound vbNullString, ByVal 0&, SND_NODEFAULT Stop_MP3 (mp3Path) End Function الخطوة الثانية قم بانشاء نموذج باسم ( frmPlayAudio ) الخطوة الثالثة قم بانشاء مربع نص فى النموذج السابق باسم ( txtAudioFileName ) الخطوة الرابعة قم بانشاء زر أمر فى النموذج السابق باسم ( cmdPlay ) وفى حدث عند النقر ضع الكود الاتى soundOn = True: PlayFile (Me.txtAudioFileName) الخطوة الخامسة قم بانشاء زر أمر فى النموذج السابق باسم ( cmdStop ) وفى حدث عند النقر ضع الكود الاتى StopFile الخطوة السادسة فى حدث عند إغلاق النموذج ضع الكود الاتى StopFile الخطوة السابعة بعد حفظ ما سبق افتح النموذج وادخل فى مربع النص ( txtAudioFileName ) اسم ملف الصوت الموجود فى المسار المحدد بدون الامتداد مثلا لو ملف الصوت باسم : MyAudio.mp3 Or MyAudio.wav اسم ملف الصوت فى مربع النص ( txtAudioFileName ) يكون فى الشكل الاتى فقط : MyAudio والان جرب الضغط على زر الامر الخاص بالتشغيل تارة وزر الامر الخاص بالايقاف تارة أخرى طيب ملاحظة مهمه : الطريقة ودوال API هنا تقوم بتشغيل ملفات صوت من النوعين MP3 . WAV <<---< والله دلع شغل فاخر من الأخر تم صياغة الكود بمرونه مطلقة للتعامل مع الملف بغض النظر عن امتداد الملف اه والله زيمبئولك كده مش مصدق ليه مش بئولك شغل فاخر اللى مش عاجبه المسار لملفات الصوت او عاوز يغير مكانها او اسمها طبعا فى الموديول يغير فى الروتين ده على مزاجه AudioFilePath() انا شرحت بالتفصيل الممل اياك حد يقول لى عاوز مرفق أو مش عارف يطبق الشرح